Handles running tasks independent on the kind of task

Continues on the \MUtil_Batch_BatchAbstract, exposing some methods to allow the task to interact with the batch queue.

Tasks added to the queue should be loadable via \Gems_Loader and implement the \MUtil_Task_TaskInterface

package Gems
subpackage Task
copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Erasmus MC
license New BSD License
since Class available since version 1.5.2



The number of bytes to pad during push communication in Kilobytes.

$extraPushPaddingKb : integer



This is needed as many servers need extra output passing to avoid buffering.

Also this allows you to keep the server buffer high while using this JsPush.


The number of bytes to pad for the first push communication in Kilobytes. If zero $extraPushPaddingKb is used.

$initialPushPaddingKb : integer



This is needed as many servers need extra output passing to avoid buffering.

Also this allows you to keep the server buffer high while using this JsPush.


containing the classPrefix => classPath for task laoder

$taskLoaderDirs : array


array('Gems_Task' => 'Gems/Task', 'MUtil_Task' => 'MUtil/Task')